Saturday, October 29, 2011

High Tech Pet Humane Contain HC-8000 Electronic Dog Fence Ultra System and RM-1 Radio Mat Pet Deterrent Kit Combo

!±8± High Tech Pet Humane Contain HC-8000 Electronic Dog Fence Ultra System and RM-1 Radio Mat Pet Deterrent Kit Combo

Brand : High Tech Pet | Rate : | Price : $180.95
Post Date : Oct 29, 2011 20:42:30 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Got a roving dog who also loves to curl up on the couch? Solve both problems with one economical purchase. This kit includes the Humane Contain HC-8000 electronic dog fence system and the Radio Mat RM-1 kit. One collar keeps your dog safely contained in your yard and away from off-limits areas indoors. Model HC-8000 is the most secure and humane electronic fence made. A proprietary technology delivers shocks in quick bursts which come faster as your dog moves closer to the boundary, until your dog decides how much stimulus it takes before retreating. Audible tones reinforce shock stimulus, resulting in a quicker, easier training process. Ultra-slim waterproof radio collar features a built-in battery and shock tester and an attractive, tough poly-elastomeric strap. The waterproof transmitter is suitable for outdoor mounting and features wire break alarms. An illuminated status panel continuously monitors the condition of your wire loop, battery charge, power mode and system status. An optional, rechargeable back-up battery (model B12V-0.8) keeps your system operating in the event of a power outage. The battery is automatically recharged when power is restored. Power boost feature lets you add enough wire for up to 30 acres while maintaining precise control of your field width. The all-digital signal eliminates false triggering. Radio Mat triggers your dog's receiver collar whenever he touches the pad. Use it to keep your dog away from the trash, off furniture or out of an entire room. At the touch of a paw, the pad sends a radio signal to the receiver collar that emits a harmless, but unpleasant shock stimulus to make your dog scat. Only dogs wearing the collar are affected. You can add an unlimited number of extra transmitter pads and extra radio collars. Also includes Sound Blast, in which the pad itself emits a loud sonic blast at the touch of a paw. Use the sound to reinforce the shock stimulus or all by itself for painless area restriction training.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Dogtek Electronic Dog Fence System

!±8± Dogtek Electronic Dog Fence System

Brand : Dogtek | Rate : | Price : $149.00
Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 16:57:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The EF-4000 is an Invisible Dog Fence which enables you to keep one or more dogs safe in complete freedom within a perimeter that YOU define without the need of an ugly containment fence. The EF-4000 is the only dog fence on the market to allow you to vary both the correction distance and the warning distance independently.

  • Includes State Of The Art Power Adapter With Two Adjustable Zones
  • Innovative, Fully Waterproof Collar With 8 Levels Of Static Correction
  • 330 Feet Of Perimeter Wire
  • Includes Energizer CRS battery
  • Two Pairs Of Contact Points (Long And Short)

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

!±8± How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

If you want to learn how to build a chicken coop, so it will meet expectations and needs of your chickens, this article is for you. Chickens aren't choosy animals, but they require few things in their life to stay happy, health and lay eggs regularly. However, this article isn't only about convenience of your chickens, by following tips I share below, you will be building a chicken coop that is easier and faster to clean as well as keep in good condition.


Chicken are very dependent on light when it comes to their life cycle. They go to sleep when it is getting dark and wake up with sunrise. That is why you have to build windows in your chicken coop that will supply a lot of light.

You should place windows in your chicken coop in a way that will allow your flock to get as much sun as they only can. Especially in the mornings. Most of the windows in your chicken house should be in a direction of the sunrise.

Second use for windows is creating air circulation inside your chicken coop. They allow your chickens to breath with fresh air and save you from dealing with bad smells while you are cleaning the chicken coop.

Failing to supply your chickens with an appropriate source of light will decrease their performance and cause them to lay eggs less frequently or during weird hours. So if, for some reason, you can't supply them with natural light, try to substitute it with electrical. This, however, should be done under supervision of someone who knows how to build a chicken coop.

Electrical light is a great idea, but you have to make sure that the installation is well hidden and won't become a pecking target. The other thing you have to remember is that with electrical light, your bills can get really high, so my recommendation is to always search for natural solutions.


You have to remember about creating a chicken house of the right size. You should estimate how many chickens you are going to keep and based on that choose an appropriate plan. Each chicken requires from 4 to 5 square feet to feel comfortable.

If you are unable to find a perfect fit for your flock, always choose bigger coop. Small chicken coops will force your birds to crowd on a very limited space and that can cause disease spreading and in some extreme cases cannibalism.

The next dramatic result of keeping your chickens in a small space is, aggression. Chickens that don't have enough room, can become aggressive towards you, other members of the flock and the chicken coop itself. They also tend to break their own eggs so, pay attention to the size of your chicken house.

What is your budget?

Budget is a very important factor you should consider while learning how to build a chicken coop. It can be the single reason that will kill your entire undertaking. That is why you should always establish how much you can spend before starting to build.

There are many ways you can cut the cost of construction. One of the most obvious ones is buying cheaper, but still usable materials. This, however, requires information on what kind of materials are chicken safe and, which aren't.

Another way you can decrease the money you will spend is, by finding free materials. Yes, it is possible. Just ask around if some of your neighbors don't have spare pieces of wood they don't plan to use. You will be surprised how much stuff you will receive.

However, if all the above methods don't work for you, I recommend to hold building your chicken coop for some time. It is better to wait until you save an appropriate amount of money, then rush into construction. This will insure you are building a chicken coop that will last long and not some low-quality dummy that will fall apart faster than you have built it.

How much time can you spare

Your time limitations are very important when you are discovering how to build a chicken house. If you have problems finding an hour every week to clean up your chicken coop, you have to give it some thinking.

Taking care of your chicken house is very important. So if you have problems finding enough time to clean it, forget about complicated chicken house designs. By creating a simpler construction that is easier to access and keep clean, you invest in happiness and health of your chickens.

Always build chicken houses that have plenty of well designed access points. They will make cleaning and collecting eggs' way easier. By simply making the floor of your chicken coop slightly tilted in the direction of the entrance, you will cut the cleaning time by more than half. This simple trick will allow you to hose down your chicken coops floor, helping you to save a lot of energy.

Land and climate

It is really important to choose the right place for your chicken house. It should stand on an even, hard ground in order to be durable and useful to your chickens. That is why, you should spend some time thinking about this issue.

What kind of a climate you are living in? Does it rain a lot? What kind of a soil is in your backyard? Is it cold for most of the year?

If you are living in a place, where the soil is very soft and it rains a lot, you should raise your chicken coop above the ground, or else it will drown with time. Especially if your chicken house is very large, and you own a large flock.

If it is cold in your area for most of the time you have to use thicker materials and insulation that will help your chicken to remain warm during harsher weather conditions. If the thicker walls alone don't do the trick, you may also want to install an artificial heather that will keep the right temperature when it is needed. For more specific advice on heathers ask a person who has experience in the area of how to build a chicken coop.

Do you want a mobile chicken coop?

The next thing you should ask yourself is, will you move your chicken coop a lot. If yes, you may think about building a mobile chicken house. It will allow you to change location of your flocks' home with ease.

The only disadvantage of such a solution is the size limitation. In order to create a mobile chicken coop, you will have to attach wheels to it. This, on the other hand, will force you to build a chicken coop which size allows you to carry it. The next thing you have to think about is the hardness of the ground in your backyard. If it is very soft you won't be able to pull your chicken coop through it, without getting stuck.

Protection from predators

Topic of predators is often missed by many people who learn how to build a chicken coop. But this issue is of utter importance and if neglected can lead to loss of your entire flock.

You should start from establishing what kind of predators are in your neighborhood. You can do it either by asking people near you or searching this information on the Internet. The thing you are after is the method they will try to attack your chicken coop.

If they will try to go from the top, you should cover the top of your chicken run with a fence. If you are dealing with really big animals that may try to destroy the fence of your run or chicken coop overall, use the most durable materials you can find. If you think they will try to dig their way to your chicken house, make sure you dig the fence at least a foot into the ground.

In addition to these tips, you should also remember to tweak the weakest link of nearly all chicken coops and runs, doors. Try to find ones that have a tight fit, multiple latches and overall there is no way to get in, for unwanted animals.

As you can see learning how to build a chicken coop requires a lot of time and experience on your part. That is why you shouldn't rush in to the building. Don't hope you will combat all the obstacles along the way. It is plain stupid and you will have to spend more time doing necessary modifications then, you would spend on the entire construction, only if you would invest more time into crucial preparations. So spend some more time learning how to build a chicken coop and plan your chicken house with confidence.

How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Invisible Fence Compatible R21 R51 Batteries - 12 pack

!±8± Invisible Fence Compatible R21 R51 Batteries - 12 pack

Brand : Invisible Fence Batteries 12pk | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Oct 20, 2011 06:33:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Invisible Fence R21,R51 Batteries Multi Pack 12ct

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

!±8± Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

Fixing a break in your Invisible Dog Fence or Underground Dog Fence is cheap and easy. You will periodically get breaks in the boundary line of your dog fence. You will know that the line is broken because the dog fence transmitter unit attached to your house will signal an error by either a flashing red light or a beeping noise. You will also notice that your dog's receiver collars no longer work and will not beep when you take them over the boundary line.

The boundary wire for your underground dog fence needs to make a complete loop, beginning and ending at the transmitter unit. When you get a break in the loop the signals cannot get through and the unit stops working. Our job is to find the break in the boundary wire and fix it. Before you start you need to remove the receiver collars from your dogs.

Here are the tools you will need for this DIY voyage:

One 100 µH RF Choke (available from Radioshack (catalog number 273-102)) - .39 One waterproof wire nut (available from most home improvement or hardware stores) - Body.39 One AM radio - any portable AM radio will do, tuned to 600. One pair of scissors One Shovel or anything else you can dig with

Time: 30 minutes

There are two ways to find the break, we start with the easiest way:

Finding a Break by Visual Inspection

Most breaks are caused by someone running an edger, aerator or otherwise digging through the boundary wire. These breaks can usually be found by walking along where the boundary wire runs and looking for spots where there has been recent digging. Unearth the wire in these spots and check for damage. The most likely spots are where the boundary wire crosses your driveway or pathways. Also check that the boundary wire is properly connected to the transmitter box.

If you found the break, proceed to the section on fixing the break. If not, proceed to the following section where we will show you how to use an RF Choke to make the boundary wire 'sing' and reveal the location of the break to you.

RF Choke Method

The RF Choke will make your boundary wire 'sing.' We will be able to listen to this sound with the AM radio you have tuned to 600 and will be able to find the break by looking for the part of the wire that is not singing.

First switch off the transmitter box. Now, disconnect the two boundary wire leads that connect to the box. In their place, connect the two legs of the RF choke. Now turn the transmitter box back on. The transmitter box should no longer be signalling that there is an error.

Now turn the transmitter box back off. Take the two boundary wires and wrap an insulated section of each wire around different legs of the RF choke. Now turn the transmitter box back on. The transmitter should still signal that there is no error. Rotate the knob labeled "field width" on the transmitter box clockwise till it is at full power.

Now turn on the radio tuned to AM 600, and walk along the boundary wire. When you hold the radio near the boundary wire it should make a deep pulsing/throbbing noise, like Ugh-Ugh-Ugh-Ugh-Ugh ... As you move the radio closer and further away from the boundary wire you will notice that there are some distances where the sound is louder and some distances where it gets quieter. As you walk around the boundary you will find a spot where there is no sound coming from the AM radio irrespective of whether you move the radio closer or further from the boundary wire. This is where you should dig up the wire and look for the break. It will be within three yards of the quiet spot

Now that you have done the hard part let's fix the break

Fixing the Break

Use the scissors to strip the wire on each side of the break in the boundary wire. Now insert the two stripped sections into the wire nut and gently twist until you start to get a bit of resistance from the wire nut. Now we will test to see if you have fixed the problem.

Return to the transmitter unit and turn off the power. Disconnect the RF choke legs and reconnect the boundary wire. Power back on the transmitter and there should be no error signal. If there is an error signal, look for another break, it is possible that there was more than one. If there was no error signal, bury the boundary wire you dug up. Reset the "field width" knob on the transmitter box to it's original setting and you are done. Congratulations you just saved yourself a house call from the local Underground Dog Fence company and a large bill!

Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

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