Friday, December 30, 2011

Part 07 - Moby Dick by Herman Melville (Chs 078-088)

Part 7. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills. Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville:

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Petsafe Wire Break Detector

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Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 22:58:08
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Often times, it is not possible to tell where your wire is broken and unless you have the wire break locator. It's not uncommon that you would need to dig up all your wire to find it. Our Pet Fence Wire Break Detector can be used for any brand of underground pet fence to find wire breaks.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Account of the Dogface Demon (Revised and Reedited 7-2008)

!±8± The Account of the Dogface Demon (Revised and Reedited 7-2008)

It has been said, and documented, to my understanding, but I didn't know at the time, there is a demon called The Dog Demon, once seen in the ancient land of Mesopotamia. Well, my dear friends, (whoever may be reading this) he is well and alive here on planet earth. Matter-of-fact, I can pin down the time, and whereabouts of this beast, freak, or creature of nature (meaning he is quite different than us at this very writing). Maybe he is a creature scorned by the Universe; but I have met him, I mean, seen him.

I saw him in as an apparition in a vision in l984, actually it was more than a vision, and I shall get into that in a moment. He had the body of a human, and the face of a gruesome looking dog (as often demonic beings end up having, simply because they must inhabit a physical body to operate in, and often end up with grisly looks because of birth defects in their heritage, which date back to a pre Adamic period (a time before the period of Adam and Eve, biblically, sudeocripitical speaking). He, as I call him, the Dogface demon, or simple Dogface, he could walk upright, erect, with that inhomogeneous look, a bulldog appearance, small droopy eyes, beady they were, a long fat tongue that seemed to find its way out of its mouth automatically without his even slightest intentions for having it slurp and slap and dribble all over his lips and mouth. His nose was like a pig's snout, a chest a tinge hairy, along with his upper arms, or shoulders; I drew a picture of him in 9-2003, about a year after I had saw him.

Now for, 'Where did I see him?' Don't be surprised, he was huddled up in our Nation's Capital with a number of other demons. Oh yes, this is so. They all were listening, waiting, observing: for what?
A good question, your guess is as good as mine, perhaps better than mine. They all seemed to be, give the impression that is, to be in a closet of sorts, hiding, listening as if they came out they could be identified, seen by others, what others, is beyond me. I told myself 'why are they hiding, they are almost invisible' apart from them who have second sight, no one else can see them.

One of the small number of demons in the closet seemed to have a trunk attached to his face, the Elephant demon I called him at the time (in years yet to come I'd find out there was such a creature in history, and see a statue of him in Java, Indonesia, 1999); I thought at the time (1984), perhaps our National Capitol was infested with these freaks of pre historic nature, and I repeat myself, no one else could see them that I was aware of, and they were not certain I could see them, therefore, three different worlds resided in one, or spheres. I assume they could not see me in their world, in the closet yet I was there, no one said a word, but I'd noticed, they often can sense a presence yet pay little attention to it, perhaps they were aware there were others in the building that might spot them, in their world, should they expose themselves freely, otherwise why hide? So I asked, and told myself, talked to myself in essence during this time, and in the process told myself to leave well enough alone, and just observe, that was, or should be my objective. And so that is what I did.

But right after that ghostly experience-I suppose you might be saying, a hallucination-(whatever, yet I do not take drugs) I had another vision (actually the last one was not a vision, with the Dogface, but rather a happening) it again took place at the Nation's Capitol (1984), great flame were burning in back of it, and paratroopers were landing on the monumental sites, all around (of course now, as I rewrite this, history has indicated in by 9/11, these so called visions and happenings were-if anything-were warnings, if not prophecy in the making, which again is the something as warnings.

In addition to that mental picture, or visualization, I found it was linked to another, involving, the president's plane circling in the air. It was all documented long ago, no need to recertify it over again, and put into a book after the fact, in 2002, and given to three clergy during the draft stages of the writing it, the book called: "The Last Trumpet, and the Woodbridge Demon," now it is called 9/11, and part of our historical past, so it was as it was a vision or happening and part of 9/11; be that as it may, and it all was part of that experience I was telling you about, that being, the Dogface Demon in the closet, with that elephant looking demonic being, and a few others, all cramped in that space doing whatever they were doing.

Thinking about it now, and assuming my assumptions are right, perhaps these forces from the imperceptible world, could see through walls, although there was no need for that I suppose they could hear, and I assume again, translate whatever language they were listening to, and I assume it was English, and so the walls were only barriers for the living. Some times demonic forces, their configurations can be seen by the naked eye, and if one needed to be cautious (perhaps without reason, but cautious all the same) hiding would be the thing to do.

Babylonians believed rabid-dogs where demons of sorts, and sent by god to punish man. Also, ASSYRIAN carvings have been discovered with these dogs, seen as apostrophic figures. In 1984, I didn't know much of God, or demons or ancient demigods, or such things, but it did present a challenge to learn about them after these so called visions, and happenings.

In this happening there were three, pertaining to this occurrence, the demons were simply clustered up in a tight space, as if gathering information: patient, and with smirks, and listening, oh yes, listening as if they were on a mission: or a conspiracy to be. It seemed to me at the time, they were all part of a coming conspiracy that now took place: why else would they be where they were at the time they were, and this happening was-yes was, this pre-empt strike, was planned even before Ben Laden, knew he was going to do what he did, the demonic forces only needed the face, remember I said, demonic forces have to work through the physical, and they found a willing body, one capable of financing the project, and one willing to play the demonic game, not quite knowing who was pulling the strings. I suppose Bin Laden thought he was, he thinks it is his theme when in essence he is simply going through the motions for someone else, a lot bigger than his ego, only the dynamics belong to him, not the plot or theme.

Anyhow, I asked myself, 'why else?' and then you get talking to yourself, so you don't wait for the answer, you know it. Although I'm sure with the multitude of these hybrid spirits stationed in Washington D.C., would be a classical place to be. Maybe even the World Trade Centres now popping up throughout the world: by and by, Washington's tragedy might have been part of this conspiracy; for me it is not inconceivable. Yes, yes, it has been many years now since that took place, but so long ago one can't remember that it took some planning, and in that such things are planned from both sides of the fence, both worlds are usually involved, could be involved, most likely were involved, in this case.

Solomon, used Demonic beings to build his temple, so it has been written. He had power over them, so it has been written, that his power over these deadly spirits were so powerful, he could cast them into oblivion should he care to, or should they dare to defy him, they were scared of him, an rightfully so. And how did they build the temples? They must have used some sort of physical texture, called flesh to operate in, and he could see them. Just to point out a fact, they are here and alive on earth.

But maybe Mr. Bin Laden took a long time to put it together, like the demonic beings took a long time to put him together, like to like, they say. It is not unusually to work with both sides of the world. Do we not pray when we are sick and who to, not the demon, but some do. Not sure, if this is interrelated, but it can prove to be useful in cluing together we are being watched. And I have seen shrines in Asia, and Indonesia, all over the world, depicting demonic carvings, and figurines: in Haiti and Jamaica, and Cuba, all over the world. And I saw them in the Washington. If I was from the dark side, if I had a legion of demon assigned to me, by Lucifer, or the General Henchman of Hell, I'd assign them to Washington D.C., the heartbeat of the world, and a few to Moscow, and Beijing, it would be only prudent.

Along with the Dogface Demon, I saw the Elephant Face Demon as I have earlier mentioned: do not laugh, it is very likely, and it is more than possible, it was, I am not trying to persuade you one way or the other, just laying down an account. You can tell anyone anything you want, but if you want a truthful answer, you can get it. Just as you can see something, and you may be the only one who sees it in your generation, or neighbourhood, but let's say there are signs around the world that what you saw, folks hundreds of years ago saw, made statues to, documented, are they and along with me, all crazy; If you said yes, they you are among a society that believes in the crazy-if Christ believed in the demons, who am I to go against a man who can walk on water, I can't, unless it's ice.

In Malta, I asked an owner of a bookstore if he believed in giants, since legend says, they built most of the temples over there. And he said no. In the back of the bookstore, alone, I asked him again, and to answer me truthfully, and he said, "Of course we do, there is too much evidence to the contrary, and if you lived here, not just being a tourist, but really lived here and investigated the place, you'd believe it also." He is right; I found a giant's foot print in stone, while visiting the Bernardo Island in South America.

But back to the demon; likewise, if you've seen them, no one can tell you otherwise. They can give you all the psychology tests in the world and tell you that you're crazy, and keep on you until you agree with them, but fact is fact. If you were to go to Java, or for that matter, Cambodia, you would see the Elephant God in stone, in sculpture form all over the place. I called the one I seen the Elephant-Demon long before I seen such carvings. I saw this very one within the cluster, within the closet in Washington D.C.

'Hog wash,' you say, but most likely you believe in a God yet you have not seen him, most folks believe in something on that order, unless they got a head full of the devil that says it's all hogwash. If I was the devil, I try to have you believe in nothing, not even me. Or if you believed in me, I'd try to have you obsessed with me, so you'd not have any time to look in back of yourself. Either one will work.

Atheists will love this paragraph, I have no scrap with any region, even atheists, let us all go our own way, this is just about me witnessing a situation, it just happened to be in a different dimension than what you and I are used to, when I saw it and what I think I know took place and by whom, 9/11 came about afterwards: no more no less.

I now do firmly believe in an invisible God, as much as in a materializing invisible world, a shape changing world of demon. If you were me, you'd too believe. We are not talking about falling off the face of the earth here, and reality is quite different when explored, if one dares to explore beyond the normal. Demons, ghosts, fallen angels [or angelic renegades], giants, the King of Agharti [king of the subterranean world, to come above earth prior to the Golden Age], all of the about, have all played a part in the invisible world we live in; the hidden world we live side-by-side with, and if explored so would you discover this to be a truth.

As indicated in this account, about, one I have not mentioned before is bin Laden, mentioned before fully that is: with a little substance. The reason being, I just seen him in a vision before I wrote this originally in 2002, now it is 9/2005, and I have taken this out of the mothball CD area, to update and revise. Now again in 7/2008, I am revising it. He, Bin Laden, was sitting in a chair made of precious tick wood I would guess: to the best of my knowledge. And behind him were beautiful carvings, as if he was in some grand church, or mosque or Hindu shrine. More towards the Hindu shrine area it would seem: I can get in trouble when I pinpoint things I should not pinpoint, but if it wasn't as I said, it had the figurines of a similar nature to it (could be Pakistan or a place where both Hindu and Muslim live). He was alone. From what I gathered from his left side, either they were drawings or real buildings, but it looked like layered temples, like I've seen in Japan, or Bali, or India. Also the wood carvings looked Hindu: again I say that. I thought of Kashmir at the time. But I have never been there. It seemed to fit somehow. The vision took place at 1:45 PM, 1-1-02.

I am not the one to say if he will or will not be captured, I hope he is, but only that he may have the dark side on his side, and that side is helping him, and will continue to help him, until he is useless to them, we live in a complex atmosphere, believe me; but there are windows.

The Account of the Dogface Demon (Revised and Reedited 7-2008)

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Parent Within - Two Sides of the Coin

!±8± The Parent Within - Two Sides of the Coin

This is the second article in a series on the different ego states from which we relate to others as taught in the Rebuilding Divorce Recovery Seminar. Not only does this kind of learning help us to recover from divorce and participate in future relationships more effectively, it can also serve as a preventative measure for good relationships. As humans we have a whole team of parts, voices, possible ways of being available to us. Awareness of those possibilities is key to choosing appropriate behavior for a given situation.

Who's in charge?

We've been talking about adult, parent and child parts and how ultimately the greatest benefit comes from relating to others from the adult. (See the January issue.) The adult has the ability to wisely orchestrate the other voices as it best suits a given situation. Remember the question is always: "What is appropriate now?" Sometimes parent behavior is appropriate. Sometimes child behavior is appropriate. How do we know which is appropriate when? It is the adult that best determines the answer to that question.

This month we look at our Parent-state. Where does it come from? Can we trust it? Is it merely a child-voice in disguise? When is it appropriate behavior and when is it not?

Positive functions and behaviors of the parent-voice

There are two main functions of an appropriate parent-state:

Our inner-parent helps us organize our world by rules and information. Knowing the rules saves us time and emotional energy in choosing behavior. The parent knows what to do. An authentic parent is solid, reliable and can be depended upon. The other function of the parent state is to help us parent our own children. If we like the way our parents raised us we will most likely duplicate their parenting style. If we don't think they did it right we must take on new parenting techniques, which can be challenging but worth the effort.

There are two basic behaviors involved in the parent ego state. One is useful, one is not:

The nurturing parent:

Is very comforting to the people around them Does things unselfishly for others Gives of themselves freely Gives praise, hugs and compliments to those around them Is altruistic and very much concerned with the needs of others

The critical parent:

Is judgmental and moralistic Has high expectations of self and others Makes us feel guilty when we do things contrary to the adult ego state Can be perfectionistic

Most of us have been on the receiving end of a critical parent-type at one time or other in our lives. Be it an actual parent, a spouse, a coach, a baby sitter, or other authority figure. Nurturing and criticism are both powerful behaviors that can affect us at deep levels. Ask a young child if they like their teacher and they will usually give one of two answers: The teacher is either nice, or mean. We have that choice in relating to others as well.

How these strategies affect adult love

We can bring both the nurturing and the critical parent voices to our adult romantic relationships with mixed results.

Nurturing one another after a hard day out in the world at large can be very healing to a relationship. Doing things for a partner that they should be doing for themselves is damaging for both. It creates dependence, irresponsibility and promotes addiction. We develop over-nurturing or caretaking behavior when we believe we must take care of our caregivers to get what we need as little people. "If I am nice, they will love me." Criticism rarely serves a relationship, although to critique what is working or not working can be useful. Criticism demeans the person. Critiquing takes a removed look at behavior without blame. Critical behavior comes by trying to please the unpleasable or perfectionistic parent. "If I am perfect, they will love me."

What is appropriate now?

As with all behaviors, our parenting behaviors come to us by example. Also, as with all behaviors, if we become aware of the power and effect of each behavior we can CHOOSE the behavior that is most useful. To nurture your partner as a compassionate adult is very different than doing things for your partner to get love. To be an adult and yet accept nurturing after a crappy day is very different than needing to be nurtured to feel ok about yourself.

Remember that it is the adult that has the ability to wisely orchestrate the other voices. The question is always: "What is appropriate now?" Sometimes parent behavior (doing the nurturing) is appropriate. Sometimes child behavior (receiving nurturing) is appropriate. And it is always the adult that best determines which is appropriate now. Without conscious choice our default pattern will kick in. That will nearly always be the child voice - which we will learn about next month.

From the Bookshelf - As a Man Thinketh
by James Allen

Thought precedes action. I realize that it is while I am in the transitory place of thought I am at choice. Thinking makes it so.

'As a Man Thinketh' is a tiny little book that addresses the power of thought. From the book:

"Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself."

If we can examine our thoughts we can direct them for our own use, rather than let them drag us hither and yon.

"Men imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot; it rapidly crystallizes into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstance."

This is a thought-provoking and somewhat confrontive little book, that requires much chewing.

Life Designers
Justin Starr Hirshfield - Chef on Wheels
Justin Starr Hirshfield is known locally as the Chef on Wheels. Justin was born a chef. By the age of two he had mastered scrambled eggs, at 6 his specialty was French Toast. He played the role of Chef in his Middle School play "Stone Soup." Later he was head chef at Laudisio, a four-star restaurant in Boulder after studying with the Masters in Italy. He worked 60 to 80 hours a week which never seemed like work to Justin.

In March of 2001 Justin broke his back in a motorcycle accident and is now confined to a wheelchair - thus the Chef on Wheels. Today he can be seen zipping around Niwot Market as he brings his exceptional culinary abilities to locals there by managing the Deli, cooking exquisite Friday Night 4 course dinners served on the patio, and teaching specialty cooking classes.

Says Justin, "You've got to make a conscious choice not to be content with what you've got now. The only limitations are the ones you put on yourself. I've always approached life as a 'learn as I go.' It's a limited amount of time we're gonna have on earth. The learning experience should never end."

Friday Night dinners will come back to Niwot Market when it's warm enough to open the patio. I highly encourage you to attend at least one. It's the best kept secret around. And while you're there, look for Justin zipping around - a born chef, now on wheels.

One Thing I Want You To Know About Divorce...
By Kristine Nelson
Ignore your rights and they'll go away, or, in my case, Ignore your being and you'll go away.

Earlier this week, I saw a bumper sticker that read, "Ignore your rights and they'll go away". It reminded me of what I have recently gone through with my now ex-boyfriend. I engulfed myself in the relationship, in the idea of forever, in the idea that we can work anything out as long as there is love. I didn't want to give up my love for him, the excitement of a dog, cat, two kids and a white picket fence. I didn't' want to give up on him and certainly didn't want him to give up on himself. I wanted to make sure he knew how much I cared for him, so I read books for him, cooked for him - and even did his laundry for him (even though I told him when we first started dating that he shouldn't count on me doing that).

So maybe that's when I lost myself, the first time I did his laundry. I lost my silly carefree self, always concerned if he was happy or not. I lost my sense of adventure and went to Wal-Mart with his family Saturday morning (which was fun and an adventure but not the same) rather than heading to the hills to enjoy God's Glory. I lost my confidence in doing things well including my work, my cooking, my baking and even my running! I've never won any running races, but I enjoyed doing it and could, with practice, run a really long time.

Despite all of this, he is not all at fault. There were two of us in this relationship. I let him stifle my being and in the end, he saw that before I did. I still struggle with why he left and am sometimes grateful that he had the strength to walk away when he saw that not only did I lose my being, but maybe he did too. I mourn the loss of our relationship and the loss of a good friendship gone badly. I am also grateful, albeit begrudgingly, that his actions taught me something...Not to ignore my being, and I won't go away.

Now I'm on the road to recovery and am really learning how to be myself and claim it for my own, not only in a committed relationship, but in all of my relationships with friends and family.

The Parent Within - Two Sides of the Coin

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence, PIG00-10777

!±8± PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence, PIG00-10777

Rate : | Price : $169.99 | Post Date : Nov 26, 2011 17:47:16
Usually ships in 24 hours

PetSafe's Stubborn Dog In-Ground radio fence pet containment system provides your pets that are stubborn or hard to train with freedom and safety while costing thousands less than conventional fencing. Recommended for dogs 30 pounds and up. It's quick and easy to install, reliable and safe, and with proper training, a very effective solution. A lightweight super receiver is worn on your pet's collar, which picks up the radio signal and alerts your pet as he nears the underground boundary. Once your pet is properly trained, he will learn to stay in the boundaries designated by the radio fence. Includes 500 feet of boundary wire and 50 boundary flaps, enough to cover about one-third acre. For use in the US only. This unit is compatible with all US 110v outlets and are not to be used with 220v international voltage.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Babies and Pets

!±8± Babies and Pets

When my daughter, my first-born, was six weeks old, we brought home a German shepherd puppy, Pepper. The puppy was black trimmed in silver, and she and my baby fell in love with each other immediately. As they grew up together, they became closer friends. However, we closely supervised them together for the first two years. Time after time, Pepper proved that she wouldn't hurt "her" girl, and we trained our daughter not to harm the dog even accidentally.

Anytime babies, or children, and animals are put together, care must be taken that neither hurts the other. Both need to be trained to treat each other with respect and care. When the baby or child are in contact with the pet, they should be supervised.

Another point to keep in mind when mixing babies or children with pets is to separate them when either or both are hungry or tired. If a child or an animal is irritated, hungry, or tired, tempers and inappropriate actions are more possible and likely.

Babies and pets can be good companions for many years, if they are trained to be protective of each other. Good manners is a must on the part of each.

Pepper and my daughter took naps together. Pepper would let me know when her girl was in trouble, whether threatened by a rattle snake that found its way into the yard or my daughter's try to escape the yard by climbing over the fence. When two boys were added to the mixture, Pepper accepted them, too, and treated them as her charges. However, we made sure that the boys treated the dog with care and kindness, too.

A strange animal should never be left with a baby. An animal that hasn't been trained to be around children should not be left with a child. Any adult who does not use common sense shouldn't have a child or a pet.

Most of the problems that occur when animals and children are together are a result of carelessness on the part of adults. Common sense should tell an adult when a situation must be avoided. But sometimes common sense seems to go AWOL when adults have pets and children. Just because a dog or cat are well behaved around its owner and/or other adults does not mean it will automatically adjust to being around a baby or child.

Babies or children can be together and be "friends," if both are prepared to be close. Supervision and training are musts for success.

When Pepper finally grew old and lame, requiring her to be put down, the whole family lost a friend.

Babies and Pets

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Invisible Fence® R21 Compatible Dog Fence Collar 7k Frequency

!±8±Invisible Fence® R21 Compatible Dog Fence Collar 7k Frequency

Brand : Perimeter Technologies R21 Compatible Collar
Rate :
Price : $149.95
Post Date : Nov 05, 2011 02:25:15
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Perimeter Technologies Computer ReceiverTM Collar is designed to replace your Invisible Fence brand R21TM collar or add a new pet to your existing Invisible Fence system for a fraction of the cost. The Perimeter Computer ReceiverTM Collar will work with your existing Invisible Fence brand 7K or 10K dog fence system. The collar receiver is completely waterproof and available in 2 frequencies, 7K or 10K (check your current transmitter to determine which frequency you need). Only Perimeter Technologies collars come with patented rubber Comfort Contacts - designed for your dog's added comfort and safety. The receiver weighs only 1.1 ounces, making it one of the lightest dog fence receivers available. The Perimeter Computer ReceiverTM Collar is proudly made in the USA by Perimeter Technologies.This ad is for the 7kInvisible Fence® is a trademark of Invisible Fence, Inc. Perimeter Technologies is not affiliated with Invisible Fence, Inc.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

High Tech Pet Humane Contain HC-8000 Electronic Dog Fence Ultra System and RM-1 Radio Mat Pet Deterrent Kit Combo

!±8± High Tech Pet Humane Contain HC-8000 Electronic Dog Fence Ultra System and RM-1 Radio Mat Pet Deterrent Kit Combo

Brand : High Tech Pet | Rate : | Price : $180.95
Post Date : Oct 29, 2011 20:42:30 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Got a roving dog who also loves to curl up on the couch? Solve both problems with one economical purchase. This kit includes the Humane Contain HC-8000 electronic dog fence system and the Radio Mat RM-1 kit. One collar keeps your dog safely contained in your yard and away from off-limits areas indoors. Model HC-8000 is the most secure and humane electronic fence made. A proprietary technology delivers shocks in quick bursts which come faster as your dog moves closer to the boundary, until your dog decides how much stimulus it takes before retreating. Audible tones reinforce shock stimulus, resulting in a quicker, easier training process. Ultra-slim waterproof radio collar features a built-in battery and shock tester and an attractive, tough poly-elastomeric strap. The waterproof transmitter is suitable for outdoor mounting and features wire break alarms. An illuminated status panel continuously monitors the condition of your wire loop, battery charge, power mode and system status. An optional, rechargeable back-up battery (model B12V-0.8) keeps your system operating in the event of a power outage. The battery is automatically recharged when power is restored. Power boost feature lets you add enough wire for up to 30 acres while maintaining precise control of your field width. The all-digital signal eliminates false triggering. Radio Mat triggers your dog's receiver collar whenever he touches the pad. Use it to keep your dog away from the trash, off furniture or out of an entire room. At the touch of a paw, the pad sends a radio signal to the receiver collar that emits a harmless, but unpleasant shock stimulus to make your dog scat. Only dogs wearing the collar are affected. You can add an unlimited number of extra transmitter pads and extra radio collars. Also includes Sound Blast, in which the pad itself emits a loud sonic blast at the touch of a paw. Use the sound to reinforce the shock stimulus or all by itself for painless area restriction training.

More Specification..!!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Dogtek Electronic Dog Fence System

!±8± Dogtek Electronic Dog Fence System

Brand : Dogtek | Rate : | Price : $149.00
Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 16:57:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The EF-4000 is an Invisible Dog Fence which enables you to keep one or more dogs safe in complete freedom within a perimeter that YOU define without the need of an ugly containment fence. The EF-4000 is the only dog fence on the market to allow you to vary both the correction distance and the warning distance independently.

  • Includes State Of The Art Power Adapter With Two Adjustable Zones
  • Innovative, Fully Waterproof Collar With 8 Levels Of Static Correction
  • 330 Feet Of Perimeter Wire
  • Includes Energizer CRS battery
  • Two Pairs Of Contact Points (Long And Short)

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

!±8± How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

If you want to learn how to build a chicken coop, so it will meet expectations and needs of your chickens, this article is for you. Chickens aren't choosy animals, but they require few things in their life to stay happy, health and lay eggs regularly. However, this article isn't only about convenience of your chickens, by following tips I share below, you will be building a chicken coop that is easier and faster to clean as well as keep in good condition.


Chicken are very dependent on light when it comes to their life cycle. They go to sleep when it is getting dark and wake up with sunrise. That is why you have to build windows in your chicken coop that will supply a lot of light.

You should place windows in your chicken coop in a way that will allow your flock to get as much sun as they only can. Especially in the mornings. Most of the windows in your chicken house should be in a direction of the sunrise.

Second use for windows is creating air circulation inside your chicken coop. They allow your chickens to breath with fresh air and save you from dealing with bad smells while you are cleaning the chicken coop.

Failing to supply your chickens with an appropriate source of light will decrease their performance and cause them to lay eggs less frequently or during weird hours. So if, for some reason, you can't supply them with natural light, try to substitute it with electrical. This, however, should be done under supervision of someone who knows how to build a chicken coop.

Electrical light is a great idea, but you have to make sure that the installation is well hidden and won't become a pecking target. The other thing you have to remember is that with electrical light, your bills can get really high, so my recommendation is to always search for natural solutions.


You have to remember about creating a chicken house of the right size. You should estimate how many chickens you are going to keep and based on that choose an appropriate plan. Each chicken requires from 4 to 5 square feet to feel comfortable.

If you are unable to find a perfect fit for your flock, always choose bigger coop. Small chicken coops will force your birds to crowd on a very limited space and that can cause disease spreading and in some extreme cases cannibalism.

The next dramatic result of keeping your chickens in a small space is, aggression. Chickens that don't have enough room, can become aggressive towards you, other members of the flock and the chicken coop itself. They also tend to break their own eggs so, pay attention to the size of your chicken house.

What is your budget?

Budget is a very important factor you should consider while learning how to build a chicken coop. It can be the single reason that will kill your entire undertaking. That is why you should always establish how much you can spend before starting to build.

There are many ways you can cut the cost of construction. One of the most obvious ones is buying cheaper, but still usable materials. This, however, requires information on what kind of materials are chicken safe and, which aren't.

Another way you can decrease the money you will spend is, by finding free materials. Yes, it is possible. Just ask around if some of your neighbors don't have spare pieces of wood they don't plan to use. You will be surprised how much stuff you will receive.

However, if all the above methods don't work for you, I recommend to hold building your chicken coop for some time. It is better to wait until you save an appropriate amount of money, then rush into construction. This will insure you are building a chicken coop that will last long and not some low-quality dummy that will fall apart faster than you have built it.

How much time can you spare

Your time limitations are very important when you are discovering how to build a chicken house. If you have problems finding an hour every week to clean up your chicken coop, you have to give it some thinking.

Taking care of your chicken house is very important. So if you have problems finding enough time to clean it, forget about complicated chicken house designs. By creating a simpler construction that is easier to access and keep clean, you invest in happiness and health of your chickens.

Always build chicken houses that have plenty of well designed access points. They will make cleaning and collecting eggs' way easier. By simply making the floor of your chicken coop slightly tilted in the direction of the entrance, you will cut the cleaning time by more than half. This simple trick will allow you to hose down your chicken coops floor, helping you to save a lot of energy.

Land and climate

It is really important to choose the right place for your chicken house. It should stand on an even, hard ground in order to be durable and useful to your chickens. That is why, you should spend some time thinking about this issue.

What kind of a climate you are living in? Does it rain a lot? What kind of a soil is in your backyard? Is it cold for most of the year?

If you are living in a place, where the soil is very soft and it rains a lot, you should raise your chicken coop above the ground, or else it will drown with time. Especially if your chicken house is very large, and you own a large flock.

If it is cold in your area for most of the time you have to use thicker materials and insulation that will help your chicken to remain warm during harsher weather conditions. If the thicker walls alone don't do the trick, you may also want to install an artificial heather that will keep the right temperature when it is needed. For more specific advice on heathers ask a person who has experience in the area of how to build a chicken coop.

Do you want a mobile chicken coop?

The next thing you should ask yourself is, will you move your chicken coop a lot. If yes, you may think about building a mobile chicken house. It will allow you to change location of your flocks' home with ease.

The only disadvantage of such a solution is the size limitation. In order to create a mobile chicken coop, you will have to attach wheels to it. This, on the other hand, will force you to build a chicken coop which size allows you to carry it. The next thing you have to think about is the hardness of the ground in your backyard. If it is very soft you won't be able to pull your chicken coop through it, without getting stuck.

Protection from predators

Topic of predators is often missed by many people who learn how to build a chicken coop. But this issue is of utter importance and if neglected can lead to loss of your entire flock.

You should start from establishing what kind of predators are in your neighborhood. You can do it either by asking people near you or searching this information on the Internet. The thing you are after is the method they will try to attack your chicken coop.

If they will try to go from the top, you should cover the top of your chicken run with a fence. If you are dealing with really big animals that may try to destroy the fence of your run or chicken coop overall, use the most durable materials you can find. If you think they will try to dig their way to your chicken house, make sure you dig the fence at least a foot into the ground.

In addition to these tips, you should also remember to tweak the weakest link of nearly all chicken coops and runs, doors. Try to find ones that have a tight fit, multiple latches and overall there is no way to get in, for unwanted animals.

As you can see learning how to build a chicken coop requires a lot of time and experience on your part. That is why you shouldn't rush in to the building. Don't hope you will combat all the obstacles along the way. It is plain stupid and you will have to spend more time doing necessary modifications then, you would spend on the entire construction, only if you would invest more time into crucial preparations. So spend some more time learning how to build a chicken coop and plan your chicken house with confidence.

How to Build a Chicken Coop - 7 Tips on Building a Chicken House

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

!±8± Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

Fixing a break in your Invisible Dog Fence or Underground Dog Fence is cheap and easy. You will periodically get breaks in the boundary line of your dog fence. You will know that the line is broken because the dog fence transmitter unit attached to your house will signal an error by either a flashing red light or a beeping noise. You will also notice that your dog's receiver collars no longer work and will not beep when you take them over the boundary line.

The boundary wire for your underground dog fence needs to make a complete loop, beginning and ending at the transmitter unit. When you get a break in the loop the signals cannot get through and the unit stops working. Our job is to find the break in the boundary wire and fix it. Before you start you need to remove the receiver collars from your dogs.

Here are the tools you will need for this DIY voyage:

One 100 µH RF Choke (available from Radioshack (catalog number 273-102)) - .39 One waterproof wire nut (available from most home improvement or hardware stores) - Body.39 One AM radio - any portable AM radio will do, tuned to 600. One pair of scissors One Shovel or anything else you can dig with

Time: 30 minutes

There are two ways to find the break, we start with the easiest way:

Finding a Break by Visual Inspection

Most breaks are caused by someone running an edger, aerator or otherwise digging through the boundary wire. These breaks can usually be found by walking along where the boundary wire runs and looking for spots where there has been recent digging. Unearth the wire in these spots and check for damage. The most likely spots are where the boundary wire crosses your driveway or pathways. Also check that the boundary wire is properly connected to the transmitter box.

If you found the break, proceed to the section on fixing the break. If not, proceed to the following section where we will show you how to use an RF Choke to make the boundary wire 'sing' and reveal the location of the break to you.

RF Choke Method

The RF Choke will make your boundary wire 'sing.' We will be able to listen to this sound with the AM radio you have tuned to 600 and will be able to find the break by looking for the part of the wire that is not singing.

First switch off the transmitter box. Now, disconnect the two boundary wire leads that connect to the box. In their place, connect the two legs of the RF choke. Now turn the transmitter box back on. The transmitter box should no longer be signalling that there is an error.

Now turn the transmitter box back off. Take the two boundary wires and wrap an insulated section of each wire around different legs of the RF choke. Now turn the transmitter box back on. The transmitter should still signal that there is no error. Rotate the knob labeled "field width" on the transmitter box clockwise till it is at full power.

Now turn on the radio tuned to AM 600, and walk along the boundary wire. When you hold the radio near the boundary wire it should make a deep pulsing/throbbing noise, like Ugh-Ugh-Ugh-Ugh-Ugh ... As you move the radio closer and further away from the boundary wire you will notice that there are some distances where the sound is louder and some distances where it gets quieter. As you walk around the boundary you will find a spot where there is no sound coming from the AM radio irrespective of whether you move the radio closer or further from the boundary wire. This is where you should dig up the wire and look for the break. It will be within three yards of the quiet spot

Now that you have done the hard part let's fix the break

Fixing the Break

Use the scissors to strip the wire on each side of the break in the boundary wire. Now insert the two stripped sections into the wire nut and gently twist until you start to get a bit of resistance from the wire nut. Now we will test to see if you have fixed the problem.

Return to the transmitter unit and turn off the power. Disconnect the RF choke legs and reconnect the boundary wire. Power back on the transmitter and there should be no error signal. If there is an error signal, look for another break, it is possible that there was more than one. If there was no error signal, bury the boundary wire you dug up. Reset the "field width" knob on the transmitter box to it's original setting and you are done. Congratulations you just saved yourself a house call from the local Underground Dog Fence company and a large bill!

Repairing an Invisible Dog Fence Or Other Underground Dog Fence (DIY)

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